Elementary & Middle School Parents- If you missed your enrollment time this week, we will be available Tuesday-Thursday from 9:00-3:00. There are additional forms that must be signed at each grade level to complete the enrollment process.
over 3 years ago, Kala Jones
Need a Back-to School Backpack with supplies? Please see the image for details. A big thank you to the Pond Creek United Methodist Church for providing these! If you are unable to see the image with details, call the church at 580-532-4494.
over 3 years ago, Kala Jones
Back-to School Backpacks
Cross country practice for grades K-12 will be tonight at the track, 6:00 pm.
over 3 years ago, Kala Jones
Wonderful News for the upcoming school year of 21/22-Breakfast and Lunches will again be free!! With that said the state department has still asked us to collect applications as the number of qualified will still be used for reports and such. It could also benefit those who qualify as well. So if you wouldn't mine to go ahead and fill out the free and reduced application like normal that would be very much appreciated. The application is included in the enrollment online or available to pickup at any of the offices. Thank you so much for you help!!
over 3 years ago, Sabrina Davis
PCH enrollment has been set for the following dates from 9:00-3:00: MIDDLE SCHOOL Aug 3, last names A-K. Aug 4, last names L-Z. ELEMENTARY Aug 5 last names A-K, Aug 6 last names L-Z. HIGH SCHOOL Aug 10 last names A-K, Aug 11 last names L-Z. We will be able to help with the new online enrollment process, select classes for grades 5-12, and take forms that must be physically turned in. We look forward to seeing you!
over 3 years ago, Kala Jones
The following link will take you to the Wen-Gage login screen: https://ok.wengage.com/PondCreekHunter/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2fpondcreekhunter This year student enrollment will be conducted online. You will need to login to the Primary Guardian's Wen-Gage account. If you do not know your login or password call the building administrator and it can be emailed to you.
over 3 years ago, Joel Quinn
Cross country practice will be tonight at 6:00 pm at the high school track for any student grades K-12
over 3 years ago, Kala Jones
There will be a PC-H football meeting for high school players on Thursday Aug 5th at 7 PM at the basketball gym.If you plan on playing you need to please be there.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Childress
As you prepare for the upcoming school year the middle school and high school will follow the district dress code policy. Therefore, for example, no holes or tears will be allowed in any of our jeans. Please refer to the hand book for specific information.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Childress
This is a reminder that all students entering the seventh grade must have the key T DAP Vaccination prior to school starting.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Childress
Cross country meeting for all students 1st -12th grade Monday July 12th 6:45 pm New gym All participants please attend
over 3 years ago, Kelly Childress
7-8 and High School Fast pitch meeting Monday July 12 6:30 pm in the New gymnasium. All players please attend.
over 3 years ago, Kelly Childress
Sports physicals are scheduled for July 9,16,23 From 8 AM till noon at GSP Health in Medford for $15 for appointment call 580-395-3200 ask for Shirley
over 3 years ago, Kelly Childress
This is your opportunities for reduced priced physicals
over 3 years ago, Kelly Childress
physical schedule
Cafeteria Food box pick up will be on Tuesday(7-6-21) Noon to 1pm in the bus alley.
over 3 years ago, Sabrina Davis
Reminder: 7 day summer meal boxes for all children 18 and under will be available today. Pickup time is Noon-1 PM and meal boxes may be picked up at the west cafeteria doors in the bus alley. Meals will be delivered to Hunter and Nash bus stops at 1 PM for those who requested boxes.
over 3 years ago, Kala Jones
If you are planning on utilizing the weekly summer meal program and will be picking up meals at the Hunter or Nash bus stop, please call the school administration office by Friday, May 28th, so that we can have a count of the number of meals to deliver to each stop.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Ronck
7 day summer meal boxes for all children 18 and under will be available beginning today. Pickup time is Noon-1 PM and meal boxes may be picked up at the west cafeteria doors in the bus alley. Meals will be delivered to Hunter and Nash bus stops at 1 PM. Meal boxes will be available every Monday through the month of June, with the exception of next week. Pickup will occur on Tuesday because of the Memorial Day holiday. Each meal box will include a gallon of milk, loaf of bread, fruit, and frozen food items.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Ronck
Pond Creek-Hunter School's present the JH Vocal Year End Finale: 2021 https://youtu.be/I_XyzJGjrqs
over 3 years ago, Derek Quinn
End of year academic awards assemblies will be held in the school auditorium at the following times. Parents are welcome to attend. Senior Awards Assembly: Wednesday, May 19, 5:30 PM High School Awards Assembly: Thursday, May 20, 1:30 PM Middle School Awards Assembly: Thursday, May 20, 10:30 AM Elementary Awards Assembly: Thursday, May 20, 12:00 PM
over 3 years ago, Jamie Ronck